速報APP / 遊戲 / Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game

Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game




版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game(圖1)-速報App

Locks of Zana is a free code-breaking puzzle game, similar to Mastermind & Bulls and Cows, packed with an ancient temple atmosphere. Your main objective is to figure out the code in each room with the hints provided on the puzzle.

Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game(圖2)-速報App

Play Locks of Zana on your way to work or going home. Play Locks of Zana together for more fun experience. Unlock the code in each room and move to the next floor !

Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game(圖3)-速報App

Features :

Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game(圖4)-速報App

- Up to 2.097.152 combinations are possible

Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game(圖5)-速報App

- Practise your logical decision making

Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game(圖6)-速報App

- Timed Mode

Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game(圖7)-速報App

- Small chance to find repeated color

Locks of Zana : Code Puzzle Game(圖8)-速報App

- Amazing ancient dessert temple atmosphere

- 50 levels available

Premium version is coming soon !

Have fun !